Tuesday, July 29, 2014

#SocialMedia engagement – timing tip 2 – timing and “truthiness” – perfect Tuesday timing

Latest post from the blog of Don Mathis

Originally posted on efangelist:

Yesterday I wrote about “perfect timing” and “audience alignment” for an engaging radio segment AND how you could apply the same logic to improve your social media engagement – to connect with your audience and encourage response.

C retro radio 2

It was a perfect topic for a Monday morning – as the kids go back to school.

Well, today this radio show did another segment that was SOOOO perfect for a Tuesday on a cold winter morning.

You see Brisbane is experiencing clear skies and the weather is cool in the mornings - but much warmer as the day progresses.

The consequence of the weather: school kids often take off their school jumpers or jackets. They forget to bring them home – and so the kids are cold in the mornings.

The segment was about: kids leaving their jumpers or jackets at school and consequently they are cold the next day before they…

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from http://ift.tt/Xb7fIl

Departing Head Of Defense Intelligence Agency Says U.S. No Safer After 13yrs. Of War

Latest post from the blog of Don Mathis

Originally posted on Fortuna's Corner:

U.S. No Safer After 13 Years of War, a Top Pentagon Intelligence Official Says

The outgoing head of the Defense Intelligence Agency says that new players on the scene are more radical than Al Qaeda, and the core Al Qaeda ideology has lost none of its potency.

By Anna Mulrine, Staff writer JULY 28, 2014


The nation is no safer after 13 years of war, warns a top US military official who leads one of the nation’s largest intelligence organizations.

“We have a whole gang of new actors out there that are far more extreme than Al Qaeda,” says Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, which employs some 17,000 American intelligence collectors in 140 countries around the world.

That the United States is no safer – and in some respects may be less safe – even after two wars and trillions of dollars could prove…

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from http://ift.tt/UIYseU

Why Reservists Serve

Reservists, like everyone, have busy lives. Between a full-time job, spouse and children, and all the other obligations that keep life so busy, many wonder how anyone could have extra time to commit to the National Guard.

So why do it? Why commit valuable time amidst so many demands? The reserve is supposed to only take one weekend each month, but reservists know it's a lot more. And the responsibilities, and potential consequences, are massive.

Reservists reflect on this question. As they leave their families for a weekend drill, or as they sit in a processing station staring at cinder block walls, or as they head out on an international flight to serve as 'boots on the ground.' The stresses are massive, particularly post 9/11, when the call to face extreme forces comes more often.

The reason? To work with people who are up to the Herculean task. The commitment, the motivation, the dedication, the valor - it is humbling. People who volunteer for the reserve gives us hope for the country. It's a reminder of what is really important when we get sucked into the trivialities and tribulations of civilian life.

In a time when culture can seem obsessed with cynicism and self-aggrandizement, so many are committing themselves to helping their fellow citizens. Those people are the reason so many serve, seeing the opportunity to carry this burden as a privilege.